Category Archives: Geography

Oraganic and Non Organic farming

Want to know what organic really means? Learn the difference between conventional and organic farming plus what certifier’s logos to look out for regardless of whether you are buying food, clothing or cosmetic products. This video will help you.

Answer the following:
1) One difference between Organic and Non Organic Farming.

Agriculture in the United Arab Emirates

Most of the UAE’s cultivated land is taken up by date palms, which in the early 1990s numbered about 4 million. Both federal and emirate governments provide to farmers. For example, the government offers a 50 percent on fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides. It also provides loans for machinery and technical assistance. The emirates have forty-one agricultural extension units as well as several experimental farms and agricultural research stations. The number of farmers rose from about 4,000 in the early 1970s to 18,265 in 1988. Watch this video for more information!!!

Educational achievements of the UAE

The Ministry of Education has set up many schools that have thousands of students. The Ministry of Education has given many scholarships to many UAE students and sent them to many different countries to complete their higher education so that they can participate in the progress of the country. The Ministry of education is constantly improving and continuing its’ dedication to provide the highest level of education to students. This video highlights the educational statistics of The Ministry of Education in the UAE.


When and where was the first university opened in UAE? Name the university.

Economic Achievements of the UAE

The Ministry of Finance and Industry & The Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals have developed national projects to benefit from the resources of the country. Here’s a video of the UAE’s Economy.

Name some of the economic projects in the UAE?

Queen Mary of Scots & Queen Elizabeth

untitledThis video will explain the conflict between Mary, Queen of Scots and Elizabeth I of England that eventually led to Mary’s execution. It will also highlight the conflict between Catholicism and Protestant England.

Click the picture for lots of INTERESTING facts and plenty of games.

Who is Queen Mary of Scots?

Trade in the UAE

Trade in UAE done by Crystal