
Combustion is the scientific word for burning. It is a chemical reaction between a substance and oxygen.You know that energy is given out as you can feel the heat and see the light. The fire triangle tells us what is needed for combustion to happen. If one or more sides of the triangle are missing, then combustion cannot take place.


Answer the following questions:

1) By removing any side of the fire triangle, a fire will____.

2) You will use a ___________ _________ in a science lab to heat things.

Posted on May 10, 2015, in Science. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. By removing any side of the triangle,afire will not take place.
    You will use a bunsen burner in science lab.


  2. devni.n2003@gmail.com

    Removing a part of the trianglea fire want take place
    bunsen burner


  3. answer 1 the fire wont take place
    answer 2 bunsen burner


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